14.7 million Americans work in the restaurant industry and half of all adults have worked in a restaurant at some point in their lives. Another interesting fact is that, outside of the construction industry, the restaurant industry has one of the highest rates of insurance claims. Are your business and hard-earned assets being adequately protected? When buying insurance, it is of utmost importance to go to someone you can trust and someone who knows the ins-and-outs of this industry. Bellido Insurance Brokerage specializes in insurance for the restaurant industry.

At Bellido Insurance, before we go out to market to look for quotes, our brokers sit with you to discuss the specific circumstances and needs of your business. While it may take a bit longer, we believe that all of our questions allow us to make sure you have all the coverage you need to protect your large investment, while still finding ways to save you money with discounts that the insurance companies are more than happy to provide if you qualify.

Here are some of the many factors that can affect your premium:

  • How much property coverage do you need? This would include your refrigerators, stoves, ovens, computers, registers, furniture, and even your uncooked ingredients.
  • Did you know that if you did renovations when you first opened that all those items such as flooring, walk-in freezers, etc. can be covered at a lower rate than your regular business contents? This is called “Tenants Improvements or Betterments” and using this separation can drastically reduce the cost of your insurance.
  • Security measures are another item that can provide discounts. Do you have a central station fire and burglar alarm? Simply provide us with the certificate from your vendor and your insurance premium is reduced.
  • Do you have a Refrigerator Maintenance Agreement or a back-up generator? This will reduce the cost of the Spoilage coverage on your policy.
  • Having interior and exterior cameras that continuously record video and are stored for at least six months is another way to further reduce your insurance premium as insurance companies will be able to use the video in your defense if there is an insurance claim.
  • Does your restaurant offer delivery? Did you know that depending on whether employees or third-party entities do the delivery can have a huge impact on the price of your insurance?
  • Do you have an inspected sprinkler system? If so, once we have the ISO certificate for sprinklers, you can obtain a large premium reduction.

These are just a few of the many ways that exist to legitimately reduce your insurance premium without sacrificing the coverage that your business needs. Allow us to visit you at your place of business so that we can perform a free, no obligations risk analysis of your restaurant and discuss ways to get you the best possible coverage at a price you can afford.

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